Notices -> Transfer / Posting of Judicial Officers

Notification No. 6797-A Dated, Calcutta, 21st November, 2024 regarding Direction of the Honble Court regarding delivery of charge/deemed release of officers who were exempted from the purview of the order contained in Court letter no. 6644-A dated 14.11.2024
Uploaded:22-Nov-2024 15:27:24
Notification No. 6644-A dated 14.11.2024 regarding immediate release of Officers who are under order of transfer vide Hon'ble Court's Notice dated 07.08.2024 and 24.09.2024
Uploaded:14-Nov-2024 16:28:10
Notification dated 24.09.2024 regarding transfer of Officers belonging to different cadres of the WBJS
Uploaded:24-Sep-2024 16:43:58
Notification No. 5384-A dated 14.08.2024 regarding general direction in reference to Court's Notice dated 03.07.2024 for Transfer/Promotional Posting of Officers in different cadres of the WBJS.
Uploaded:14-Aug-2024 16:11:36
Notice dated 07.08.2024 general information regarding transfer /promotional posting of WBJS Officers
Uploaded:07-Aug-2024 18:35:17
Notice dated 03-07-2024, General Notification regarding the transfer of Judicial Officers.
Uploaded:03-Jul-2024 17:13:59
Notice dated 01.05.2024 regarding transfer / posting of belonging to cadre of the District Judge / Civil Judge (Senior Division)
Uploaded:01-May-2024 15:39:12
Notification dated 08.02.2024 regarding transfer/posting on promotion of Officers, belonging to different cadres of the WBJS
Uploaded:08-Feb-2024 18:26:16
Notification dated 18.10.2023 regarding transfer posting of WBJS Officers
Uploaded:18-Oct-2023 12:55:38
Notice dated 10.08.2023 - General Notification regarding Transfer of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:10-Aug-2023 15:00:30
Notice Dated 19.05.2023 regarding Transfer of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:19-May-2023 16:21:33
Notice regarding transfer / posting of Judicial Officers of various cadre
Uploaded:16-May-2023 10:30:49
Transfer / Posting of Judicial Officers of various cadre
Uploaded:22-Dec-2022 12:03:30
Notice regarding transfer posting of WBJS officers.
Uploaded:30-Sep-2022 12:04:48
Transfer/Posting of the judicial officers belonging to different cadre of the WBJS
Uploaded:23-Sep-2022 20:11:29
Promotional Posting/ Transfer of officers belonging to all cadres of the WBJS
Uploaded:26-Aug-2022 20:09:21
Notice dated 28.06.2022 regarding transfer and posting of officers in the cadre of DISTRICT JUDGE(SUPER TIME, SELECTION GRADE & ENTRY LEVEL) in the Registry of High Court at Calcutta
Uploaded:29-Jun-2022 12:06:15
Notice dated 28.06.2022 regarding transfer and posting of officers in the cadre of DISTRICT JUDGE(SUPER TIME, SELECTION GRADE & ENTRY LEVEL)
Uploaded:28-Jun-2022 19:09:23
Notice dated 18.06.2022 regarding transfer and posting of the Judicial Officers in the cadre of CJJD
Uploaded:18-Jun-2022 19:21:07
Notice dated 16.06.2022 regarding transfer and posting of officers in the cadre of DJ
Uploaded:16-Jun-2022 22:12:11
Notice dated 16.06.2022 regarding transfer and posting of officers in the cadre of DJ (EL)
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Notice dated 16.06.2022 regarding transfer and posting of officers in the cadre of ADJ FTC
Uploaded:16-Jun-2022 22:03:36
Notice dated 16.06.2022 regarding transfer and posting of officers in the cadre of CJ(SD)
Uploaded:16-Jun-2022 21:57:57
Notification No. 2585-A Dated 27th April, 2022 regarding WBJS Officers vested with necessary Session Power as Assistant Sessions Judge.
Uploaded:27-Apr-2022 16:17:33
Notification dated 9th March, 2022 in the matter of transfer of WBJS Officers
Uploaded:09-Mar-2022 18:43:41
Notification dated 30.09.2021 regarding transfer of Judicial Officer belonging to the different cadres
Uploaded:30-Sep-2021 17:53:45
Notification dated 03.09.2021 regarding transfer and posting of Officers, belonging to the different cadres of the WBJS
Uploaded:03-Sep-2021 16:26:28
Notice dated 08.06.2021 regarding transfer of WBJS officer
Uploaded:08-Jun-2021 18:33:06
Notification dated 24.03.2021 regarding transfer and posting of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:24-Mar-2021 18:08:45
Notification dated 15th March, 2021 regarding Transfer of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:15-Mar-2021 12:55:53
Notice dated 03.03.2021 regarding transfer and posting of the WBJS Officers
Uploaded:03-Mar-2021 20:44:09
Notice dated 28.01.2021 regarding transfer and posting of WBJS Officers
Uploaded:28-Jan-2021 12:48:46
Notification dated 03.12.2020 regarding transfer of WBJS Officers
Uploaded:02-Dec-2020 17:14:34
Notification dated 01.12.2020 regarding transfer of WBJS Officers
Uploaded:01-Dec-2020 14:22:17
Notification No. 3226-A dated 01.10.2020 regarding direction of the Hon'ble Court upon the officers of the WBJS who are already under order of transfer regarding taking over charge in their respective new assignment
Uploaded:01-Oct-2020 17:05:25
Notification dated 02.09.2020 regarding transfer/redirection of Officers, belonging to the cadre of District Judge (Entry Level)
Uploaded:02-Sep-2020 16:44:47
Notification No. 2990-A dated 02.09.2020 related to Direction regarding joining of WBJS officers who are under order of transfer.
Uploaded:02-Sep-2020 16:39:07
Notice dated 19.08.2020 regarding modifications in respect of transfer of the WBJS officers
Uploaded:19-Aug-2020 17:16:02
Notification No.2241-R (JS) dated 19.08.2020 regarding resolution of Transfer Committee of this Hon'ble Court
Uploaded:19-Aug-2020 17:14:01
Notification No. 1948-RJS dated 20.07.2020 regarding transfer of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:20-Jul-2020 00:46:08
Notification dated 11.06.2020 regarding modification of Transfer Order in respect of some Judicial Officers
Uploaded:11-Jun-2020 17:00:06
Notification No. 1612-RJS dated 09.06.2020 regarding transfer of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:09-Jun-2020 13:32:18
Notification No. 1612-RJS dated 09.06.2020 regarding transfer of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:09-Jun-2020 13:31:36
Order dated 04.5.2020 regarding modification of Transfer Order in respect of Judicial Officers in the cadre of CJ(JD)/JM
Uploaded:04-May-2020 15:02:41
Notification No. 1533 – R (JS) Date: 23.04.2020 regarding transfers of Officers in the West Bengal Judicial Service to be operated with effect from 01.07.2020 instead of 01.06.2020
Uploaded:23-Apr-2020 17:08:45
Notification dated 23.04.2020 regarding transfer and posting of Sri Manik Lal Jana, Secretary, DLSA, Nadia
Uploaded:23-Apr-2020 14:49:10
Notification dated 23.04.2020 regarding Annual General Transfer of officers belonging to the cadres of CJJD/JM the WBJS
Uploaded:23-Apr-2020 13:48:34
Notification dated 23.04.2020 regarding promotional Posting / Annual General Transfer of officers belonging to the cadres of DJ/ADJ, ADJ FTC and CJ-SD/CJM/ACJM of the WBJS
Uploaded:23-Apr-2020 13:40:25
Notification No. 1511 – R (JS) Date: 08.04.2020 regarding transfers of Officers in the West Bengal Judicial Service to be operated with effect from 01.06.2020 instead of 01.05.2020
Uploaded:08-Apr-2020 16:24:33
Notification No.1497-R(JS) dated 24.3.2020 regarding date of operation of transfer order
Uploaded:24-Mar-2020 15:02:20
Corrigendum dated 02.03.2020 regarding posting in transfer in respect of Sri Subhadip Biswas regarding general information for transfer of Officers in different cadres of the WBJS
Uploaded:02-Mar-2020 13:16:37
Notification dated 29.02.2020 regarding transfer of Officers belonging to different cadres of the WBJS
Uploaded:29-Feb-2020 12:53:40
General information regarding transfer of officers in the cadre of District Judge
Uploaded:15-Nov-2019 16:03:03
Notification dated 07.09.2019 regarding transfer/posting of Judicial Officers belonging to the cadre of Civil Judge (Junior Division) / Judicial Magistrate
Uploaded:07-Sep-2019 14:51:55
Notification No. 4282-A dated 02.07.2019 regarding General Direction of the Hon'ble Court for early movement of the Officers under Order of Transfer in the different cadres of the West Bengal Judicial Service
Uploaded:03-Jul-2019 12:49:04
General information regarding transfer of WBJS Officers
Uploaded:22-May-2019 16:39:56
Notification No. 1980– R (JS) Dated 29.03.2019 regarding list of Officers of the West Bengal Judicial Service belonging to the substantive post of Civil Judge (Senior Division)/Chief Judicial Magistrate/Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate eligible for promotion as Additional District & Sessions Judge towards filling up the (24) vacancies in Fast Track Courts
Uploaded:30-Mar-2019 14:45:51
General Information reg transfer of WBJS Officers including those promoted to the cadre of CJ(SD).pdf
Uploaded:07-Mar-2019 14:54:10
Transfer/Posting of Judicial Officers in the cadre of District Judge (Entry Level)
Uploaded:04-Feb-2019 17:28:06
Tender Notice with Memo NO PPC 46/18-19 dated 19.01.19 regarding supply of 1(one) good quality Audio Speaker 2.1 in the High Court at Calcutta
Uploaded:21-Jan-2019 16:18:50
Information regarding transfer of ADJ, FTC officers including those promoted in the year 2018
Uploaded:19-Dec-2018 17:46:14
Notification dated 28.11.2018 regarding transfer and posting of Judicial Officers in the cadre of District Judge (Entry Level)
Uploaded:28-Nov-2018 16:13:21
Notification dated 12.10.2018 Transfer/Posting of Judicial Officers in the cadre of District Judge Transfer/Posting of Judicial Officers in the cadre of District Judge
Uploaded:12-Nov-2018 11:13:01
General information dated 13.09.2018 regarding Transfer and Posting of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:13-Sep-2018 16:38:08
Letter No. 3696-A Dated: Calcutta the 12th June 2018 regarding Direction of the Hon’ble Court for the Officers under Order of transfer in the rank of ADJ, FTC and Civil Judge (Senior Division)/CJM/ACJM of the West Bengal Judicial Service
Uploaded:12-Jun-2018 13:48:17
Notification No. 3626 -A Dated, Calcutta, the 7 th June, 2018 regarding Direction of the Hon’ble Court pursuant to the Court’s Notification bearing No. 2001-A & No. 2022-A both dated 09.04.2018 for transfer and posting of officers in the cadre of Civil Judge (Junior Division)/Judicial Magistrate of the West Bengal Judicial Service
Uploaded:07-Jun-2018 16:31:47
Notification dated 05.04.2018 regarding Annual General Transfer of WBJS Officers
Uploaded:06-Apr-2018 10:39:19
Notification dated 02.02.2018 regarding transfer and posting of Officers, belonging to different cadres of the WBJS
Uploaded:02-Feb-2018 12:16:46
Transfer Notification dated 22.12.2017 regarding transfer and posting of Officers belonging to different cadres of the WBJS
Uploaded:22-Dec-2017 14:27:04
Transfer Notification dated 08.11.2017 regarding transfer and posting of Officers belonging to different cadres of the WBJS
Uploaded:10-Nov-2017 15:12:20
Notification dated 06.06.2017 regarding General Direction of the Hon'ble Court for early movement of the Officers under Order of Transfers in the different cadres of the West Bengal Judicial Services
Uploaded:06-Jun-2017 11:38:50
General information dated 03.03.2017 regarding transfer and posting of the officers belonging to different cadres of WBJS
Uploaded:03-Mar-2017 11:42:01
Notification dated 03.04.2017 for Transfer and Posting of Officers belonging to different cadres of WBJS
Uploaded:03-Mar-2017 11:40:34
Transfer Notification of Officers, belonging to different cadres of the WBJS
Uploaded:21-Jul-2016 13:26:52
Transfer Notification for Annual General Transfer of Officers in the cadres of the WBJS for 2016
Uploaded:29-Mar-2016 13:28:18
Transfer Notification for Annual General Transfer of Officers in the cadres of the WBJS for 2016
Uploaded:22-Mar-2016 13:30:50
Transfer Posting of WBJS Officer for 2015
Uploaded:15-Jul-2015 13:32:29
Notification No.3548-A and 3554-A both dated 14.07.2015 regarding transfer posting of Judicial Officers in the cadre of Civil Judge (Junior Division)/JM
Uploaded:14-Jul-2015 13:33:44
Information for transfer and posting of W B J S Officers
Uploaded:03-Jul-2015 14:11:34
Transfer and Posting of some Judicial Officers in the cadre of Civil Judge (Junior Division) and Judicial Magistrate
Uploaded:21-Apr-2015 14:12:42
Transfer Notification in the rank of CJ(JD) & JM
Uploaded:06-Apr-2015 14:14:22
Transfer Notifications in the rank of CJ(SD)-CJM & ADJ, FTC
Uploaded:06-Apr-2015 14:13:18
List of WBJS Officers under Order of Transfer in Annual General Transfer 2015
Uploaded:02-Apr-2015 14:15:09
Transfer Notification No. 5227-A dated 26.11.2014
Uploaded:26-Nov-2014 11:44:00
Information regarding Transfer / Posting of W B J S Officers
Uploaded:26-Nov-2014 11:43:17
Posting of Judicial Officers in the cadre of Civil Judge (Senior Division) as Secretary, DLSA dated 25.11.2014
Uploaded:25-Nov-2014 16:35:56
Posting of Judicial Officers in the cadre of Civil Judge (Senior Division) as Secretary, DLSA dated 25.11.2014
Uploaded:25-Nov-2014 11:57:55
Transfer Notifications dated 05.05.2014 in the cadre of District Judge (Entry Level)
Uploaded:05-May-2014 12:09:58
Transfer and Posting Notifications dated 04.04.2014 for the Cadre of District Judge
Uploaded:04-Apr-2014 13:19:34
Notification No. 1535A dated 02.04.2014 regarding transfer & posting of Officers in the rank of ADJ, FTC
Uploaded:02-Apr-2014 13:23:51
Notification Nos. 1486A, 1501A & 1518A dated 02.04.2014 regarding transfer & posting of Officers in the cadre of Civil Judge (Senior Division)/CJM/ACJM
Uploaded:02-Apr-2014 13:22:58
Transfer/posting of Judicial Officers belonging to the cadre of Civil Judge (Junior Division)/Judicial Magistrate - Notification NO. 1595A dated 02.04.2014
Uploaded:02-Apr-2014 13:22:05
Transfer/posting of Judicial Officers belonging to the cadre of Civil Judge (Junior Division)/Judicial Magistrate - Notification NO. 1582A dated 02.04.2014
Uploaded:02-Apr-2014 13:21:18
Transfer/posting of Judicial Officers belonging to the cadre of Civil Judge (Junior Division)/Judicial Magistrate - Notification NO. 1567A dated 02.04.2014
Uploaded:02-Apr-2014 13:20:34
Notice bearing no. CM/02/13-14 dated 28.02.2014 regarding quotations for supply of Hand Cart
Uploaded:28-Feb-2014 13:46:30
Notification No.112-A & 127-A dated 09.01.2014 regarding transfer and posting of the Judicial Officers belonging to the cadre of Civil Judge (Junior Division)/Judicial Magistrate
Uploaded:09-Jan-2014 13:24:41
Transfer Notification No.6168-A dated 20.12.2013 for ADJ FTC Officers
Uploaded:20-Dec-2013 13:38:28
Transfer & Posting of WBJS Officers in the cadre of District Judge (Entry Level)
Uploaded:19-Dec-2013 13:40:36
Transfer Notification No.6102-A dated 19.12.2013 for ADJ FTC Officers
Uploaded:19-Dec-2013 13:39:20
Transfer Notification in the cadre of Civil Judge (Sr. Divn.)/CJM and posting order in DLSA
Uploaded:17-Dec-2013 13:50:27
CORRIGENDUM - Notification No. 5974-A dated 16.12.2013 regarding
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Transfer and posting of some Judicial Officers in the cadre of District Judge
Uploaded:05-Oct-2013 13:51:27
Notification No. 4321-A dated 12.09.2013 regarding transfer of some W.B.J.S. Officers belonging to the cadre of Civil Judge (Junior Division)/JM/MM
Uploaded:13-Sep-2013 13:53:28
Notification No. 4337-A dated 12.09.2013 regarding transfer of some W.B.J.S. Officers belonging to the cadre of Civil Judge (Junior Division)
Uploaded:13-Sep-2013 13:52:51
Notification No. 4354-A dated 12.09.2013 regarding transfer of officer in the cadre of Civil Judge (Junior Division)/JM/MM
Uploaded:13-Sep-2013 13:52:11
Transfer Notification of some West Bengal Judicial Service Officers in the cadre of Civil Judge (Senior Division)/Chief Judicial Magistrate
Uploaded:02-Aug-2013 11:00:13
Transfer posting of West Bengal Judicial Service Officers in the Court of District Judge (Entry Level)
Uploaded:29-Jul-2013 11:01:09
Notification Nos. 2913-A, 2933-A, 2905-A dated 25.06.2013 regarding transfer & posting of Judicial Officers/Probationer in the cadre of Civil Judge (Junior Division)/Magistrate
Uploaded:26-Jun-2013 11:03:26
Notification Nos.2954-A, 2960-A, 2966-A, 2972-A, 2978-A, 2984-A, 2991-A, 2997-A, 3002-A and 3007-A dated 25.06.2013 regarding new place of posting on transfer of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:26-Jun-2013 11:02:09
Notification Nos. 2778-A, 2783-A, 2796-A, 2809-A dated 21.06.2013 regarding new place of posting on transfer of Judicial Officers in the cadre of Civil Judge (Senior Division)
Uploaded:25-Jun-2013 11:04:44
Notification Nos. 2710-A, 2703-A, 2690-A, 2697-A dated 20.06.2013 and 2744-A, 2749-A, 2756-A dated 21.06.2013 regarding new place of posting on transfer of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:21-Jun-2013 11:05:34
Notification No. 2064-A dated 17.05.2013 regarding Sl.No.1 in Court's Notification No.1918-A dated 16.05.2013.  
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Notification No. 1918-A dated 16.05.2013 regarding new place of posting on transfer of Judicial Officers in the cadre of District Judge (Entry Level)
Uploaded:17-Jun-2013 11:06:43
Notification No.2008-A dated 16.05.2013 regarding appointment on transfer of Judicial Officers
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Notification No.2115-A dated 17.05.2013 regarding appointment on transfer of Judicial Officers
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Notification No.2070-A dated 17.05.2013 regarding posting on transfer of Judicial Officers in the cadre of Civil Judge (Junior Division) / Judicial Magistrate to the Judicial Magistrate of the First Class at the stations / sub-divisions
Uploaded:17-May-2013 11:15:26
Notification No.2091-A dated 17.05.2013 regarding new place of posting on Transfer of WBJS Officers in the cadre of Civil Judge (Junior Division) / Judicial Magistrate
Uploaded:17-May-2013 11:14:43
Notification No. 1955-A dated 16.05.2013 regarding new place of posting on Transfer of WBJS Officers in the cadre of Civil Judge (Senior Division)/CJM
Uploaded:17-May-2013 11:13:46
Notification No. 1972-A dated 16.05.2013 regarding new place of posting on transfer of Judicial Officers in the cadre of Civil Judge (Senior Division)/CJM to the Judicial Magistrate of the first class
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Notification No. 1990-A dated 16.05.2013 regarding posting of Judicial Magistrate of the First Class of West Bengal Judicial Service
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Notification No. 1945-A dated 16.05.2013 regarding transfer of Shri Manojit Mondal, a member of W.B.J.S. 
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Notification No. 2030-A dated 17.05.2013 regarding transfer of Shri Narendra Rai, a member of W.B.J.S. 
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Notification No. 2036-A dated 17.05.2013 regarding transfer of Shri Uttam Kumar Shaw, a member of W.B.J.S. 
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Notification No. 1910-A dated 16.05.2013 regarding transfer of Smt. Ananya Bandyopadhyay, a member of W.B.J.S.
Uploaded:16-May-2013 11:10:29
Notification No.1286-A dated 25-03-2013 regarding posting of FTC officers w.e.f. 01-04-2013
Uploaded:25-Mar-2013 11:17:26
N O T I F I C A T I O N No.68-A Dated 4th January, 2013
Uploaded:04-Jan-2013 11:18:16
Notification No. 6129-A dated 11-12-2012 regarding new place of posting on transfer of Civil Judge (Junior Division)/Judicial Magistrate to the Judicial Magistrate
Uploaded:11-Dec-2012 11:20:30
Notification No. 6141-A dated 11-12-2012 regarding posting on transfer of Judicial Officers in the cadre of Civil Judge (Junior Division)/Judicial Magistrate to the regular Courts.
Uploaded:11-Dec-2012 11:19:39
Notification No. 5509-A dated 12-10-2012 regarding posting on transfer of Judicial Officers in the cadre of Civil Judge (Junior Division)/Judicial Magistrate to the Judicial Magistrate of the first class at the stations/sub-divisions
Uploaded:12-Oct-2012 11:22:15
Notification No. 5517-A dated 12-10-2012 regarding new place of posting on transfer of Judicial Officers in the cadre of Civil Judge (Junior Division)/Judicial Magistrate
Uploaded:12-Oct-2012 11:21:15
Notification No. 1762-A dated 12.04.2012 regarding new place of posting on Transfer/on Promotion of WBJS Officers in the cadre of Civil Judge (Senior Division) / CJM /ACJM
Uploaded:12-Apr-2012 11:25:37
Notification No. 1773-A dated 12.04.2012 regarding new place of posting as Chief Judicial Magistrate / Addl. Chief Judicial Magistrate on Transfer/on Promotion of the Judicial Magistrates of the First Class of WBJS
Uploaded:12-Apr-2012 11:24:57
Notification No. 1784-A dated 12.04.2012 regarding new place of posting on Transfer/on Promotion of WBJS Officers in the cadre of Civil Judge (Senior Division) / CJM /ACJM
Uploaded:12-Apr-2012 11:24:09
Notification No. 1796-A dated 12.04.2012 regarding appointment on transfer of Smt. Sarbani Mallick Chattopadhyay, Smt. Soma Majumdar (Sadhu) and Sri Pinaki Mitra
Uploaded:12-Apr-2012 11:23:32
Notification No. 1801-A dated 12.04.2012 regarding appointment of Sri Baishnab Sarkar, member of WBJS to the post of Sr. Municipal Magistrate, Kolkata
Uploaded:12-Apr-2012 11:22:54
Notification No. 1718-A dated 11.04.2012 regarding new place of posting on Transfer of Judicial Officers belonging to the cadre of Civil Judge (Sr. Divn.) posted in FTC
Uploaded:11-Apr-2012 11:26:27
Notification No. 1642-A dated 10.04.2012 regarding transfer of ten officers of WBJS belonging to the Cadre of District Judge (Entry Level)
Uploaded:10-Apr-2012 11:28:28
Notification No. 1653-A dated 10.04.2012 regarding transfer of officers of WBJS belonging to the Cadre of Civil Judge (Junior Division) / Judicial Magistrate
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Notification No. 1669-A dated 10.04.2012 regarding transfer of officer of the WBJS belonging to the Cadre of Civil Judge (Junior Divn.) / Judicial Magistrate
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Notification No. 5776A Dated 09.12.2011 regarding posting on transfer / promotion of W.B.J.S. Officers in the Cadre of Civil Judge (Senior Division)/ C.J.M./ A.C.J.M. including the remaining (48) Forty-eight Officers from amongst the (72) Seventy-two Officers appointed – on - promotion in the year 2010 and (24) Twenty-four from amongst the (55 ) Fifty-five Officers appointed – on - promotion in the year 2011  
Uploaded:09-Dec-2011 11:31:32
Notification No. 5575-A dated 08.12.2011 regarding posting on transfer of Civil Judge (Junior Division)/Judicial Magistrate including Probationary Civil Judge (Junior Division) Officers to the Civil Judge (Junior Division) at the station as mentioned against each of their names
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Notification No.5596-A dated 08.12.2011 regarding posting on transfer of Judicial Officers in the rank of Civil Judge (Junior Division)/Judicial Magistrate to the Metropolitan Magistrate for the Metropolitan Area of Calcutta
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Notification No. 5608-A dated 08.12.2011 regarding posting on transfer of Judicial Officers in the rank Civil Judge (Junior Division)/Judicial Magistrate including those Probationary Officers undergoing training at different District Headquarters to the Judicial Magistrate of the First Class
Uploaded:08-Dec-2011 11:32:25
Notification No. 5725-A dated 08.12.2011 regarding transfer of Smt. Madhumati Mitra, a member of W.B.J.S.
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Notification No. 5730-A dated 08.12.2011 regarding transfer of Sri Sujit Kumar Das, a member of W.B.J.S.
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Notification No. 5735-A dated 08.12.2011 regarding transfer of Sri Samaresh Prasad Chowdhury, a member of W.B.J.S.
Uploaded:08-Dec-2011 11:29:09
Permission granted to eligible WBJS Officers in the rank of Civil Judge (Sr. Divn.) for ‘Leave on Duty’ for the exclusive purpose of appearing for viva-voce on their respective date as per schedule towards filling up the Fast Track Courts.
Uploaded:06-Jul-2011 14:18:20
Schedule of Viva-Voce for the 131 eligible WBJS Officers in the rank of Civil Judge (Senior Division) for selection to Ad-hoc promotion as Additional District & Sessions Judge, Fast Track Courts, West Bengal
Uploaded:06-Jul-2011 14:17:09
Notification No. 2258-A dated 20.05.2011 regarding confirmation of the services of 7 Probationary Officers
Uploaded:20-May-2011 15:27:14
Notification No. 2123 A, 2127 A, 2130 A, 2134 A , 2138 A dated 17.05.2011  regarding transfer of WBJS Officers in the Cadre of Civil Judge (Sr.Divn.) Posted as ADJ, FTC Courts
Uploaded:17-May-2011 14:20:17
Notification No. 1979-A dated 05.05.2011 regarding transfer of Sri Prakash Barman, Civil Judge (Jr. Divn.)-cum-Judl. Magistrate, Mathabhanga
Uploaded:05-May-2011 14:19:15
No. 1372-A dated 30.03.2011 - NOTIFICATION regarding transfer of Judicial Officers of West Bengal Judicial Service in the cadre of Civil Judge (Junior Division)/Judicial Magistrate
Uploaded:30-Mar-2011 14:22:08
No. 1393-A dated 29.03.2011 - NOTIFICATION regarding transfer of Judicial Officers of West Bengal Judicial Service in the cadre of Civil Judge (Junior Division)/Judicial Magistrate to be the Judicial Magistrate of the First Class
Uploaded:29-Mar-2011 14:22:42
No. 1325-A dated 29.03.2011 - NOTIFICATION regarding transfer of Judicial Officers of West Bengal Judicial Service as Additional District & Sessions Judge in the cadre of District Judge (Entry Level)
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No. 1315-A dated 29.03.2011 - NOTIFICATION regarding transfer of Judicial Officers of West Bengal Judicial Service
Uploaded:29-Mar-2011 14:20:56
Corrigendum No. 69A dated 11.01.2010 of Notification No. 2761-A dated 18.05.2009 regarding confirmation of the services of the of the Judicial Officers of West Bengal Judicial Service in the rank of Civil Judge (Junior Division)/Judicial Magistrate
Uploaded:11-Jan-2010 16:32:10
No. 3886 A dated, 02.07.2009 - CORRIGENDUM of Notification No. 2896A dated 26th May, 2009
Uploaded:02-Jul-2009 16:26:24
No. 3695A dated, 23.06.2009 - NOTIFICATION on transfer of the Judicial Officers of West Bengal Judicial Service belonging to the cadre of Civil Judge (Jr. Divn.)
Uploaded:23-Jun-2009 16:53:17
No. 3694A dated, 23.06.2009 - NOTIFICATION on transfer of the Judicial Officers of West Bengal Judicial Service belonging cadre of Civil Judge (Jr. Divn)/ Civil Judge (Sr. Divn
Uploaded:23-Jun-2009 16:30:53
No. 3693A dated, 23.06.2009 - NOTIFICATION on transfer of the Judicial Officers of West Bengal Judicial Service presently posted in the Fast Track Courts as Additional District and Sessions Judge
Uploaded:23-Jun-2009 16:24:32
No. 2896 A dated, 26.05.2009 - NOTIFICATION on transfer of the Judicial Officers of West Bengal Judicial Service belonging to the cadre of Civil Judge (Sr. Divn.)
Uploaded:26-May-2009 16:30:23
No. 2895 A dated, 26.05.2009 - NOTIFICATION on transfer of the Judicial Officers of West Bengal Judicial Service belonging to the cadre of District Judge
Uploaded:26-May-2009 16:20:26
No. 2761-A dated, 18.05.2009 - NOTIFICATION regarding confirmation of the services of the Judicial Officers of West Bengal Judicial Service in the rank of Civil Judge (Junior Division)/Judicial Magistrate
Uploaded:18-May-2009 16:16:10
Calcutta High Court - Notices