Notices -> Leave of Judicial Officers

Notice regarding Leave of Judicial Officers (March, 2024)  NEW   IMP
Uploaded:15-Jul-2024 12:50:12
Notification regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:26-Jun-2024 15:04:27
Notice dated 10.04.2024, 16.04.2024, 17.04.2024, 18.04.2024, 19.04.2024, 20.04.2024, 23.04.2024, 25.04.2024, 26.04.2024 and 30.04.2024 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:26-Jun-2024 13:15:26
Notifications dated 01.02.2024, 02.02.2024, 05.02.2024, 07.02.2024, 08.02.2024, 09.02.2024 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:16-Mar-2024 18:37:19
Notices dated 18.01.2024, 22.01.2024, 25.01.2024 and 31.01.2024 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:07-Mar-2024 16:28:02
Notice dated 02.01.2024, 04.01.2024, 08.01.2024, 09.01.2024, 11.01.2024, 16.01.2024, 17.01.2024, 19.01.2024 and 22.01.2024 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:22-Feb-2024 13:20:40
Notice dated 06.12.2023, 07.12.2023, 08.12.2023, 11.12.2023, 12.12.2023, 13.12.2023, 14.12.2023, 15.12.2023, 18.12.2023, 19.12.2023 and 21.12.2023 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:22-Jan-2024 17:58:24
Notices dated 24.11.2023, 30.11.2023, 02.12.2023, 04.12.2023, 06.12.2023 and 18.12.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:20-Jan-2024 14:31:03
Notice dated 16.11.2023, 17.11.2023, 22.11.2023 and 23.11.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:15-Dec-2023 12:05:35
Notice dated 17.10.2023, 18.10.2023 and 16.11.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers.
Uploaded:29-Nov-2023 18:14:35
Notification dated 16.11.2023 regarding approval of leave of Learned Judicial Officers
Uploaded:24-Nov-2023 17:18:48
Notices dated 26.09.2023, 27.09.2023 and 29.09.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:16-Oct-2023 17:25:10
Notice dated 11.09.2023, 12.09.2023, 13.09.2023, 14.09.2023, 15.09.2023, 18.09.2023 and 19.09.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:11-Oct-2023 12:25:06
Notice dated 20.09.2023, 21.09.2023, 22.09.2023 and 25.09.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:10-Oct-2023 17:02:52
Notices dated 01.09.2023, 04.09.2023, 05.09.2023, 06.09.2023, 08.09.2023 and 11.09.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:21-Sep-2023 16:20:12
Notice dated 23.08.2023, 24.08.2023, 25.08.2023, 29.08.2023, 31.08.2023 & 04.09.2023 regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:16-Sep-2023 17:40:43
Notices dated 09.08.2023, 10.08.2023, 11.08.2023, 14.08.2023, 16.08.2023, 17.08.2023, 18.08.2023, 21.08.2023 and 06.09.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:13-Sep-2023 15:42:16
Notices dated 11.08.2023, 16.08.2023, 17.08.2023, 18.08.2023, 21.08.2023, 22.08.2023, 23.08.2023, 24.08.2023, 25.08.2023, 28.08.2023, 29.08.2023, 30.08.2023 and 31.08.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:11-Sep-2023 14:29:43
Notices dated 03.08.2023, 04.08.2023, 07.08.2023, 08.08.2023, 09.08.2023 and 10.08.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:25-Aug-2023 12:06:42
Notices dated 31.07.2023, 01.08.2023 and 02.08.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:17-Aug-2023 10:50:05
Notices dated 17.07.2023, 19.07.2023, 20.07.2023, 24.07.2023, 25.07.2023, 26.07.2023, 27.07.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:03-Aug-2023 20:24:28
Notices dated 14.07.2023, 18.07.2023 and 19.07.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:26-Jul-2023 20:37:06
Notices dated 10.07.2023 and 11.07.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:24-Jul-2023 14:35:05
Notices dated 12.07.2023, 13.07.2023, 14.07.2023 and 17.07.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:19-Jul-2023 17:45:34
Notice dated 06.07.2023, 07.07.2023 and 10.07.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:12-Jul-2023 10:25:37
Notices dated 04.07.2023, 05.07.2023, 06.07.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:10-Jul-2023 20:00:47
Notices dated 26.06.2023, 27.06.2023, 30.06.2023 and 03.07.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:07-Jul-2023 17:10:30
Notice dated 21.06.2023, 22.06.2023 and 23.06.2023 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:01-Jul-2023 16:08:04
Notices dated 13.06.2023, 15.06.2023, 16.06.2023 and 19.06.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:22-Jun-2023 21:29:04
Notice dated 13.06.2023, 14.06.2023 & 15.06.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:20-Jun-2023 20:23:55
Notice dated 07.06.2023, 08.06.2023, 09.06.2023, 12.06.2023, 13.06.2023 and 14.06.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:15-Jun-2023 17:23:16
Notice dated 05.06.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:09-Jun-2023 17:15:41
Notices dated 08.05.2023, 12.05.2023, 17.05.2023, 19.05.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:22-May-2023 13:14:24
Notices dated 01.05.2023, 02.05.2023, 03.05.2023, 04.05.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:15-May-2023 20:33:37
Notifications dated 13.04.2023, 17.04.2023, 18.04.2023, 19.04.2023, 21.04.2023, 25.04.2023, 27.04.2023 and 28.04.2023 regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:03-May-2023 14:55:47
Notifications dated 24.03.2023, 28.03.2023, 29.03.2023, 30.03.2023, 31.03.2023, 03.04.2023,10.04.2023, 12.04.2023 regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:21-Apr-2023 16:27:42
Notifications dated 14.03.2023, 15.03.2023, 16.03.2023, 17.03.2023, 20.03.2023, 21.03.2023, 22.03.2023 and 23.03.2023 regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:28-Mar-2023 16:47:09
Notification regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:15-Mar-2023 14:02:43
Notices dated 27.02.2023, 01.03.2023 and 03.03.2023 regarding Leave of judicial Officers
Uploaded:04-Mar-2023 13:43:21
Notices dated 20.02.2023, 22.02.2023, 23.02.2023 and 24.02.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:28-Feb-2023 13:50:22
Notification regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:18-Feb-2023 15:17:00
Notifications dated 25.01.2023, 30.01.2023, 31.01.2023, 02.02.2023, 03.02.2023, 06.02.2023, 07.02.2023 and 08.02.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:10-Feb-2023 15:58:37
Notice dated 09.01.2023, 11.01.2023, 13.01.2023, 16.01.2023, 17.01.2023, 18.01.2023 and 20.01.2023 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:21-Jan-2023 15:04:45
Notices dated 02.01.2023, 04.01.2023, 05.01.2023 and 06.01.2023 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:09-Jan-2023 15:38:16
Notices dated 20.12.2022, 21.12.2022 and 22.12.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:23-Dec-2022 17:03:44
Notices dated 08.12.2022, 12.12.2022, 13.12.2022, 14.12.2022, 15.12.202216.12.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:21-Dec-2022 15:50:14
Notices dated 28.11.2022, 29.11.2022, 30.11.2022, 01.12.2022, 02.12.2022, 05.12.2022, 06.12.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:08-Dec-2022 14:17:34
Notifications dated 18.11.2022, 22.11.2022 and 24.11.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:29-Nov-2022 11:53:23
Notifications dated 14.11.2022, 15.11.2022, 16.11.2022 and 17.11.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:21-Nov-2022 13:42:40
Notice dated 31.10.2022 to 11.11.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:14-Nov-2022 12:08:20
Notice dated 29.09.2022 and 30.09.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:30-Sep-2022 14:56:43
Notice dated 20.09.2022, 21.09.2022, 22.09.2022, 23.09.2022, 26.09.2022, 27.09.2022 and 28.09.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:29-Sep-2022 16:06:08
Notice dated 15.09.2022 , 16.09.2022 and 19.09.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:20-Sep-2022 17:11:04
Notices dated 12.09.2022, 13.09.2022 and 14.09.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:16-Sep-2022 14:39:01
Notice dated 09.09.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:13-Sep-2022 14:11:41
Notice dated 07.09.2022 and 08.09.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial officers
Uploaded:09-Sep-2022 15:22:52
Notice dated 06.09.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:07-Sep-2022 16:49:57
Notice dated 05.09.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:06-Sep-2022 16:28:11
Notice dated 02.09.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:05-Sep-2022 16:26:44
Notice dated 01.09.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:02-Sep-2022 16:32:25
Notice dated 30.08.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:01-Sep-2022 16:57:05
Notice dated 30.08.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:30-Aug-2022 16:57:44
Notice dated 24.08.2022 and 25.08.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:26-Aug-2022 15:52:10
Notice dated 23.08.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:24-Aug-2022 13:05:06
Notice dated 18.08.2022 to 22.08.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:23-Aug-2022 15:17:08
Notice dated 17.08.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:22-Aug-2022 16:01:26
Notice dated 11.08.2022, 12.08.2022 and 16.08.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officer
Uploaded:18-Aug-2022 16:13:27
Notice dated 10.08.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:11-Aug-2022 17:18:20
Notification dated 08.08.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:10-Aug-2022 16:00:41
Notice dated 03.08.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:04-Aug-2022 12:59:01
Notices dated 28.07.2022, 29.07.2022, 01.08.2022 and 02.08.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:03-Aug-2022 15:38:43
Notice dated 27.07.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:28-Jul-2022 16:37:02
Notices dated 26.07.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:27-Jul-2022 15:51:41
Notices dated 25.07.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:26-Jul-2022 16:17:33
Notices dated 08.07.2022, 11.07.2022, 12.07.2022, 13.07.2022, 18.07.2022, 19.07.2022, 20.07.2022, 21.07.2022 and 22.07.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:25-Jul-2022 14:56:39
Notifications dated 04.07.2022, 05.07.2022, 06.07.2022 and 07.07.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:08-Jul-2022 14:35:07
Notices dated 28.06.2022, 29.06.2022, 30.06.2022 and 01.07.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:05-Jul-2022 12:40:20
Notifications dated 14.06.2022 to 22.06.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:28-Jun-2022 16:10:29
Notifications dated 14.06.2022, 15.06.2022, 16.06.2022, 17.06.2022, 20.06.2022, 21.06.2022, 22.06.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:23-Jun-2022 12:49:59
Notifications dated 09.06.2022, 10.06.2022 and 13.06.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:14-Jun-2022 15:53:12
Notifications dated 06.06.2022, 07.06.2022, 08.06.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:10-Jun-2022 13:08:16
Notification No. 3277-A dated 8th June, 2022 regarding Half Yearly Departmental Examination prescribed for the WBJS Officers in the Cadre of Civil Judge (Junior Division) scheduled in the month of July, 2022
Uploaded:08-Jun-2022 14:25:53
Notifications dated 17.05.2022, 18.05.2022, 20.05.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:21-May-2022 12:08:00
Notifications dated 10.05.2022 to 12.05.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:12-May-2022 16:07:41
Notifications dated 29.04.2022 to 06.05.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:10-May-2022 16:37:27
Notification dated 28.04.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:02-May-2022 12:05:45
Notification dated 18.4.2022, 19.04.2022, 21.04.2022, 25.04.2022, 26.04.2022 and 27.04.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:28-Apr-2022 13:14:01
Notification dated 13.04.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:13-Apr-2022 17:04:01
Notification dated 06.04.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:08-Apr-2022 16:04:57
Notification dated 04.04.2022 and 05.04.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:07-Apr-2022 16:18:59
Notification dated 30.03.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:02-Apr-2022 14:02:29
Notification dated 17.03.2022, 21.03.2022, 22.03.2022, 23.03.2022, 24.03.2022, 25.03.2022, 28.03.2022, 29.03.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:31-Mar-2022 11:52:55
Notification dated 14.03.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:17-Mar-2022 15:14:09
Notification dated 08.03.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:14-Mar-2022 15:30:11
Notification dated 02.03.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:08-Mar-2022 12:23:03
Notification dated 01.03.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:03-Mar-2022 16:07:50
Notification dated 23.02.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:01-Mar-2022 13:53:06
Notification dated 22.02.2022 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:24-Feb-2022 16:15:58
Notification dated 21.02.2022 regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officer
Uploaded:22-Feb-2022 16:48:59
Notification dated 18.02.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:21-Feb-2022 12:44:15
Notification dated 15.02.2022 regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officer
Uploaded:17-Feb-2022 16:53:38
Notification dated 10.02.2022 regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officer
Uploaded:15-Feb-2022 16:02:25
Notification dated 08.02.2022 regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officer
Uploaded:11-Feb-2022 14:10:59
Notification regarding Leave of Judicial Officers dated 25.01.2022, 27.01.2022, 28.01.2022, 31.01.2022, 01.02.2022, 03.02.2022, 04.02.2022, 07.02.2022
Uploaded:09-Feb-2022 16:38:48
Notification dated 19.01.2022 regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officer
Uploaded:25-Jan-2022 16:40:06
Notification dated 18.01.2022 regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officer
Uploaded:20-Jan-2022 15:47:18
Notification dated 17.01.2022 regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officer
Uploaded:18-Jan-2022 15:51:12
Notification dated 11.01.2022 regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officer
Uploaded:17-Jan-2022 16:50:10
Notification dated 05.01.2022 regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officer
Uploaded:11-Jan-2022 13:06:34
Notifications dated 03.01.2022 and 04.01.2022 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:05-Jan-2022 15:47:08
Notification dated 24.12.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:04-Jan-2022 15:26:40
Notifications dated 22.12.2021 and 23.12.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:24-Dec-2021 16:34:44
Notification regarding Leave of Judicial Officers from 15.12.2021 to 21.12.2021
Uploaded:23-Dec-2021 11:38:34
Notification dated 14.12.2021 regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officer
Uploaded:16-Dec-2021 11:44:13
Notification dated 10.12.2021 regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officer
Uploaded:15-Dec-2021 10:01:58
Notification dated 09.12.2021 regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officer
Uploaded:14-Dec-2021 11:24:00
Notification dated 07.12.2021 regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officer
Uploaded:10-Dec-2021 16:09:57
Notification dated 26.11.2021 regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officer
Uploaded:02-Dec-2021 16:34:43
Notification regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:02-Dec-2021 16:15:28
Notification regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:02-Dec-2021 16:15:06
Notification dated 07.07.2021 regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officer
Uploaded:09-Jul-2021 16:25:42
Notifications dated 05.07.2021 and 06.07.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:08-Jul-2021 12:07:04
Notification dated 02.07.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:07-Jul-2021 15:43:57
Notification dated 30.06.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:05-Jul-2021 13:37:22
Notification dated 29.06.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:30-Jun-2021 15:44:01
Notification dated 28.06.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:30-Jun-2021 13:11:26
Notification dated 25.06.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:28-Jun-2021 16:28:54
Notifications dated 24.06.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:25-Jun-2021 15:15:07
Notifications dated 21.06.2021, 22.06.2021 and 23.06.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:24-Jun-2021 16:35:41
Notifications dated 18.06.2021 and 19.06.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:21-Jun-2021 15:42:24
Notification dated 17.06.2021 regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officer
Uploaded:21-Jun-2021 12:14:32
Notification dated 11.06.2021, 14.06.2021 & 15.06.2021 regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:18-Jun-2021 13:45:24
Notification dated 16.06.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:17-Jun-2021 16:24:31
Notifications dated 08.06.2021 and 09.06.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:10-Jun-2021 12:11:02
Notification dated 03.06.2021 & 07.06.2021 regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:08-Jun-2021 15:55:15
Notification dated 31.05.2021 & 01.06.2021 regarding approval of leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:03-Jun-2021 12:07:52
Notifications dated 19.05.2021, 20.05.2021, 24.05.2021 and 25.05.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:28-May-2021 16:44:13
Casual Leave details of Judicial Officers dated 20.05.2021, 24.05.2021, 25.5.2021
Uploaded:28-May-2021 16:39:50
Notification dated 18.05.2021 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:19-May-2021 14:47:51
Notification dated 06.05.2021 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:06-May-2021 16:25:11
Notification dated 06.05.2021 regarding leave of Casual Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:06-May-2021 16:22:48
Notification dated 19.04.2021 regarding Casual Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:01-May-2021 16:48:40
Notification dated 19.04.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:01-May-2021 16:47:50
Notification dated 12.04.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:19-Apr-2021 14:04:35
Notifications dated 08.04.2021, 09.04.2021 and 13.04.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:17-Apr-2021 12:24:05
Notification dated 06.04.2021 and 07.04.2021 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:09-Apr-2021 13:27:09
Notification dated 06.04.2021 and 07.04.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:08-Apr-2021 13:25:53
Notification dated 05.04.2021 regarding Leave of Judcial Officers
Uploaded:07-Apr-2021 12:29:09
Notification dated 26.03.2021 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:06-Apr-2021 16:45:42
Notification dated 25.03.2021 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:26-Mar-2021 15:10:38
Notification dated 24.03.2021 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:26-Mar-2021 13:51:42
Notification dated 23.03.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:25-Mar-2021 16:28:31
Notification dated 22.03.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:24-Mar-2021 13:31:12
Notification dated 19.03.2021 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:20-Mar-2021 15:00:29
Notification dated 18.03.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:19-Mar-2021 15:43:22
Notification dated 16.03.2021 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:18-Mar-2021 15:17:35
Notification dated 15.03.2021 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:16-Mar-2021 16:49:33
Notification dated 12.03.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:15-Mar-2021 16:09:51
Notification dated 11.03.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:12-Mar-2021 16:45:39
Notification dated 10.03.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:11-Mar-2021 16:40:38
Notification dated 09.03.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:11-Mar-2021 11:58:31
Notification dated 08.03.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:09-Mar-2021 16:27:39
Notification dated 05.03.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:08-Mar-2021 14:37:27
Notification dated 04.03.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:06-Mar-2021 14:10:12
Notification dated 02.03.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:04-Mar-2021 13:44:08
Notifications dated 23.02.2021, 24.02.2021, 25.02.2021, 26.02.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:03-Mar-2021 13:36:29
Notifications dated 23.02.2021, 24.2.2021, 25.02.2021, 26.02.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:02-Mar-2021 18:30:13
Notifications dated 07.01.2021, 14.01.2021, 15.01.2021, 18.01.2021, 19.01.2021, 20.01.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:26-Feb-2021 16:00:38
Notifications dated 27.01.2021, 28.01.2021, 29.01.2021, 30.01.2021, 22.02.2021, regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:25-Feb-2021 16:09:24
Notifications dated 01.02.2021, 02.02.2021, 03.02.2021, 04.02.2021, 05.02.2021, 06.02.2021, 08.02.2021, 09.02.2021, 10.02.2021, 11.02.2021, 12.02.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:24-Feb-2021 17:17:20
Notifications dated 21.01.2021,22.01.2021, 25.01.2021, 15.02.2021, 19.02.2021 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:23-Feb-2021 16:55:06
Notification regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:16-Jan-2021 17:43:51
Notification dated 06.01.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:07-Jan-2021 16:11:02
Notification dated 05.01.2021 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:06-Jan-2021 15:34:45
Notification dated 24.12.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:24-Dec-2020 17:35:08
Notification dated 23.12.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:24-Dec-2020 13:40:58
Notification dated 22.12.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:23-Dec-2020 12:24:20
Notification dated 21.12.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:22-Dec-2020 13:56:16
Notification dated 18.12.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:19-Dec-2020 12:40:13
Notification dated 14.12.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:15-Dec-2020 16:14:37
Notification dated 14.12.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:14-Dec-2020 15:04:19
Notification dated 10.11.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:11-Dec-2020 13:02:18
Notification dated 09.12.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:10-Dec-2020 15:06:59
Notification dated 07.12.2020 and 08.12.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:09-Dec-2020 14:34:34
Notification dated 04.12.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:05-Dec-2020 14:19:18
Notification dated 03.12.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:04-Dec-2020 16:05:20
Notification dated 02.12.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:03-Dec-2020 16:09:58
Notification dated 01.12.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:02-Dec-2020 13:31:05
Notification dated 26.11.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:27-Nov-2020 14:50:19
Notification dated 25.11.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:26-Nov-2020 14:19:33
Notification dated 20.11.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:24-Nov-2020 15:34:05
Notification dated 20.11.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:20-Nov-2020 13:20:32
Notification dated 18.11.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:19-Nov-2020 12:36:17
Notification dated 17.11.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:18-Nov-2020 15:54:36
Notification dated 03.11.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:04-Nov-2020 19:56:40
Notification dated 20.10.2020 and 21.10.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:21-Oct-2020 16:45:37
Notification dated 19.10.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:20-Oct-2020 15:29:13
Notification dated 16.10.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:16-Oct-2020 12:48:56
Uploaded:15-Oct-2020 16:35:01
Notification dated 14.10.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:15-Oct-2020 15:36:05
Notification dated 12.10.2020 regarding Leave of Judcial Officers
Uploaded:13-Oct-2020 14:45:28
Notification dated 09.10.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:12-Oct-2020 12:55:21
Notification dated 08.10.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:09-Oct-2020 13:48:30
Notification dated 06.10.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:07-Oct-2020 15:23:55
Notification dated 05.10.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:06-Oct-2020 15:01:54
Notification dated 01.10.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:05-Oct-2020 16:25:38
Notification dated 29.09.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:30-Sep-2020 16:19:40
Notification dated 28.09.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:29-Sep-2020 15:53:06
Notification dated 23.09.2020 and 24.09.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:25-Sep-2020 15:14:06
Notification regarding Leave of Judicial Officers dated 21.09.2020 and 22.09.2020
Uploaded:23-Sep-2020 16:16:46
Notification dated 21.09.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:22-Sep-2020 12:25:05
Notification dated 18.09.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:21-Sep-2020 16:24:36
Notification dated 16.09.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:16-Sep-2020 16:41:28
Notification dated 15.09.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:16-Sep-2020 14:56:19
Notification dated 10.09.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:14-Sep-2020 14:04:52
Notification dated 09.09.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:10-Sep-2020 15:28:21
Notification dated 04.09.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:08-Sep-2020 14:46:19
Notification dated 03.09.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:04-Sep-2020 16:43:48
Notification dated 28.08.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:28-Aug-2020 16:58:55
Notice dated 25.08.2020 and 26.08.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:26-Aug-2020 15:58:52
Notification dated 24.08.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:24-Aug-2020 17:51:42
Notification dated 18.08.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:24-Aug-2020 14:12:23
Notification dated 17.08.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:18-Aug-2020 14:22:20
Notification dated 14.08.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:17-Aug-2020 15:59:06
Notification dated 13.08.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:14-Aug-2020 16:25:33
Notification dated 10.08.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:12-Aug-2020 19:28:26
Notice dated 07.08.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:10-Aug-2020 15:51:55
Notification dated 06.08.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:07-Aug-2020 16:23:35
Notification dated 30.07.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:31-Jul-2020 12:31:04
Notification dated 21.07.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:27-Jul-2020 12:51:02
Notification dated 21.07.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:21-Jul-2020 14:22:17
Notification dated 09.07.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:09-Jul-2020 16:03:56
Notification dated 08.07.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:09-Jul-2020 16:02:10
Notification dated 07.07.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:08-Jul-2020 17:33:43
Notification dated 06.07.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:06-Jul-2020 14:05:38
Notification dated 01.07.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:02-Jul-2020 17:14:02
Notification dated 30.06.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:30-Jun-2020 16:17:26
Notification dated 26.06.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:29-Jun-2020 14:58:18
Notification dated 23.06.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:25-Jun-2020 14:56:43
Notification dated 22.06.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:22-Jun-2020 16:42:58
Notification dated 18.06.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:19-Jun-2020 15:14:06
Notification dated 17.06.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:18-Jun-2020 12:46:59
Notification dated 16.06.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:17-Jun-2020 14:58:56
Notification dated 11.06.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:15-Jun-2020 14:50:11
Notification dated 05.06.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:11-Jun-2020 15:51:16
Notification dated 28.05.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:28-May-2020 14:11:12
Notification dated 19.05.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:19-May-2020 15:58:02
Notification dated 15.05.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:15-May-2020 15:20:58
Notification dated 09.05.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:09-May-2020 18:17:41
Notification dated 05.05.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:05-May-2020 16:53:19
Notification dated 20.03.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:05-May-2020 16:52:30
Notification dated 19.03.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:20-Mar-2020 14:14:54
Notification dated 18.03.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:19-Mar-2020 13:13:49
Notification dated 18.03.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:19-Mar-2020 13:13:48
Notification dated 18.03.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:19-Mar-2020 13:13:44
Notification dated 18.03.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:19-Mar-2020 13:13:32
Notification dated 17.03.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:18-Mar-2020 14:55:06
Notification dated 16.03.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:17-Mar-2020 17:20:05
Notification dated 13.03.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:16-Mar-2020 13:22:43
Notification dated 13.03.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:16-Mar-2020 13:22:32
Notification dated 12.03.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:13-Mar-2020 15:23:41
Notification dated 12.03.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:13-Mar-2020 15:23:23
Notification dated 11.03.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:12-Mar-2020 12:52:10
Notification dated 11.03.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:12-Mar-2020 12:51:57
Notification dated 11.03.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:12-Mar-2020 12:51:41
Notification dated 06.03.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:07-Mar-2020 12:47:26
Notification dated 06.03.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:07-Mar-2020 12:47:25
Notification dated 05.03.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:06-Mar-2020 13:32:05
Notification dated 04.03.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:05-Mar-2020 13:20:01
Notification dated 04.03.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:04-Mar-2020 12:25:18
Notification dated 02.03.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:03-Mar-2020 12:26:38
Notification dated 28.02.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:29-Feb-2020 15:24:24
Notification dated 27.02.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:28-Feb-2020 13:55:39
Notification dated 26.02.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:27-Feb-2020 13:30:52
Notification dated 25.02.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:26-Feb-2020 13:57:27
Notification dated 24.02.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:25-Feb-2020 12:57:12
Notification dated 21.02.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:24-Feb-2020 12:26:50
Notification dated 20.02.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:21-Feb-2020 14:33:01
Notification dated 19.02.2020 regarding Leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:20-Feb-2020 12:40:03
Notification dated 13.02.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers L
Uploaded:14-Feb-2020 12:44:19
Notification dated 12.02.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:13-Feb-2020 12:52:39
Notification dated 11.02.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:12-Feb-2020 12:31:10
Notification dated 10.02.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:11-Feb-2020 14:00:02
Notification dated 07.02.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:10-Feb-2020 15:01:09
Notification dated 06.02.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:07-Feb-2020 13:23:54
Notification dated 05.02.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:06-Feb-2020 12:29:55
Notification dated 04.02.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:05-Feb-2020 12:48:11
Notification dated 03.02.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:04-Feb-2020 12:54:36
Notification dated 28.01.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:01-Feb-2020 16:51:05
Notification dated 27.01.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:28-Jan-2020 13:41:28
Notification dated 24.01.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:27-Jan-2020 12:33:21
Notification dated 22.01.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:24-Jan-2020 13:25:04
Notification dated 21.01.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:22-Jan-2020 16:50:14
Notification dated 20.01.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:21-Jan-2020 13:14:27
Notification dated 17.01.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:18-Jan-2020 13:37:06
Notification dated 16.01.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:17-Jan-2020 13:26:20
Notification dated 15.01.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:16-Jan-2020 12:37:31
Notification dated 14.01.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:15-Jan-2020 12:51:12
Notification dated 13.01.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:14-Jan-2020 13:14:43
Notification dated 10.01.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:13-Jan-2020 13:56:17
Notification dated 09.01.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:10-Jan-2020 13:19:20
Notification dated 08.01.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:09-Jan-2020 12:29:51
Notification dated 07.01.2020 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:08-Jan-2020 14:04:38
Notification dated 07.01.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:07-Jan-2020 12:49:05
Notification dated 02.01.2020.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:03-Jan-2020 12:43:53
Notification dated 24.12.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:24-Dec-2019 13:40:26
Notification dated 23.12.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:24-Dec-2019 12:13:27
Notification dated 20.12.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:21-Dec-2019 15:55:33
Notification dated 19.12.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:20-Dec-2019 12:21:16
Notification dated 18.12.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:19-Dec-2019 13:03:44
Notification 17.12.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:18-Dec-2019 13:50:13
Notification dated 16.12.19 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:17-Dec-2019 12:29:47
Notification dated 13.12.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:16-Dec-2019 14:44:37
Notification dated 11.12.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:12-Dec-2019 12:37:40
Notification dated 10.12.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:11-Dec-2019 12:07:05
Notification dated 09.12.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:10-Dec-2019 13:44:08
Notification dated 06.12.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:07-Dec-2019 12:44:14
Notification dated 05.12.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:06-Dec-2019 12:13:05
Notification dated 04.12.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:05-Dec-2019 12:52:55
Notification dated 29.11.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:04-Dec-2019 12:30:58
Notification dated 28.11.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:29-Nov-2019 13:24:17
Notification dated 27.11.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:28-Nov-2019 11:24:16
Notification dated 27.11.19 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:27-Nov-2019 12:08:46
Notification dated 25.11.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:26-Nov-2019 12:18:22
Notification dated 24.11.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:25-Nov-2019 12:10:19
Notification dated 21.11.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:22-Nov-2019 13:21:15
Notification dated 20.11.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:21-Nov-2019 12:38:04
Notification dated 19.11.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:20-Nov-2019 15:00:00
Notification dated 18.11.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:19-Nov-2019 14:23:10
Notification dated 15.11.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:16-Nov-2019 14:51:21
Notification dated 14.11.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:15-Nov-2019 13:41:52
Notification dated 13.11.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:14-Nov-2019 12:30:06
Notification dated 11.11.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:13-Nov-2019 11:59:27
Notification dated 08.11.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:11-Nov-2019 12:19:49
Notification 07.11.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:08-Nov-2019 13:08:50
Notification dated 05.11.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:07-Nov-2019 12:09:48
Notification dated 04.11.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:05-Nov-2019 13:25:49
Notification dated 01.11.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:02-Nov-2019 12:39:34
Notification dated 31.10.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:01-Nov-2019 11:45:34
Notification dated 30.10.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:31-Oct-2019 12:42:46
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 01.10.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:01-Oct-2019 17:31:03
Notification No.  4384 – G.S. dated 24.09.2019 regarding list of days to be observed in the year 2020 as holidays in the Subordinate Civil Courts in West Bengal
Uploaded:01-Oct-2019 17:27:25
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 30.09.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:01-Oct-2019 12:51:46
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 27.09.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:30-Sep-2019 12:49:23
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 26.09.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:27-Sep-2019 13:02:39
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 26.09.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:27-Sep-2019 13:02:39
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 25.09.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:26-Sep-2019 12:36:34
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 24.09.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:25-Sep-2019 12:34:13
Notification No.AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 23.09.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:24-Sep-2019 12:18:10
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 20.09.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:21-Sep-2019 12:20:01
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 19.09.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:20-Sep-2019 12:28:28
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 18.09.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:19-Sep-2019 13:02:04
Notification No.AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 17.09.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:18-Sep-2019 12:59:49
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 16.09.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:17-Sep-2019 12:38:35
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 12.09.2019 and 13.09.2019 respectively regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:13-Sep-2019 13:37:29
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 11.09.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:12-Sep-2019 12:46:20
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 09.09.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:11-Sep-2019 14:40:48
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 06.09.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:07-Sep-2019 15:03:33
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 05.09.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:06-Sep-2019 12:40:25
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 04.09.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:05-Sep-2019 14:27:51
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 03.09.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:04-Sep-2019 12:55:15
Tender Notice No. COR./Web/ 1957 /19 dated 02.09.2019 regarding repairing of steel drawers attached to Godrej Office Tables of Medical Cell, Cash Department on the Original Side of this Hon’ble Court
Uploaded:03-Sep-2019 15:38:55
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 02.09.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:03-Sep-2019 13:09:02
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 30.08.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:31-Aug-2019 13:08:33
Notification No. AS/RJS 98/2019 dated 29.08.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:30-Aug-2019 12:42:18
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 28.08.19 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:29-Aug-2019 12:46:04
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 27.08.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:28-Aug-2019 13:23:50
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 26.08.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:27-Aug-2019 12:52:00
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 22.08.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:26-Aug-2019 13:58:58
Notification No.AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 21.08.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:22-Aug-2019 12:11:38
Notification No.AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:21-Aug-2019 12:42:22
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 19.08.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:20-Aug-2019 13:52:41
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 16.08.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:19-Aug-2019 14:58:57
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 dated 14.08.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:16-Aug-2019 13:09:48
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 13.08.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:14-Aug-2019 12:04:31
Notification No. AS/RJS - 102/2019 and 98/2019 dated 09.08.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:13-Aug-2019 12:55:49
Notification No.AS/RJS - 98/2019 and 102/2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:09-Aug-2019 12:31:13
Notification No. AS/RJS - 98/2019 and 102/2019 dated 07.08.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:08-Aug-2019 19:37:23
Notification No. AS/RJS - 98/2019 and 102/2019 dated 06.08.2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:07-Aug-2019 17:20:36
Notification No.AS/RJS - 98/2019 and 102/2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:06-Aug-2019 13:28:45
Notification No.AS/RJS - 98/2019 and 102/2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:03-Aug-2019 13:08:01
Notification No.AS/RJS - 98/2019 and 102/2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:02-Aug-2019 14:37:31
Notification No.AS/RJS - 98/2019 and 102/2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:01-Aug-2019 15:00:54
Notification No.AS/RJS - 98/2019 and 102/2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:31-Jul-2019 15:57:57
Notification No.AS/RJS - 98/2019 and 102/2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:30-Jul-2019 15:29:48
Notification No.AS/RJS - 98/2019 and 102/2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:26-Jul-2019 19:26:14
Notification No.AS/RJS - 98/2019 and 102/2019 regarding leave of Judicial Officers
Uploaded:25-Jul-2019 18:49:31
Calcutta High Court - Notices